O-level physics Tuition Singapore
Looking for O-level additional physics home tuition in Singapore? If yes, you may scroll down and read the O-level physics home tuition service provided by me (Dr Loo). Alternatively, you may SMS/Whatsapp/Telegram: +65-85483705 (Dr Loo) to arrange for a phone discussion.
PS: If you are looking for O-level math tuition or JC math tuition in Singapore, you may find out more about my H1 math tuition and H2 math tuition services on the other page.
My Singapore O-level physics Tuition Syllabus Coverage
For Singapore O-level physics tuition class, my teaching philosophy is to provide my students a comprehensive understanding for all the physics topics I teach which will eventually enable the student to be competent to deal with various physics problems. Thus, if you are looking for O-level physics tuition in Singapore, then you may scroll down further to read more about my O-level physics tuition service.

O-level Physics Tutor Singapore
I am a full time O-level physics tutor in Singapore with PhD qualification. As I am specialize in mathematics and statistics, you may also approach me for my tutoring service if you are looking for O-level math tutor, JC math tutor in Singapore (H1 math tutor or H2 math tutor) or statistics tutor.
Academic Qualification
I have graduated from PhD in Finance (Best Postgraduate Student Award recipient). In addition, I received my Master in Applied Statistics (Distinction) since 2013. Furthermore, I have published 5 research articles on on topics related to applied statistics and machine learning concept in international peer reviewed journals.
Teaching Experience
As of 2020, I have accumulated 8 years of teaching experience from teaching mathematics and statistics subjects in secondary and tertiary levels. To date, I have taught quite a number of students from different backgrounds ranging from secondary school level until PhD level.
Educational Training Received
In addition, I have received teaching related training under tertiary setting and also training on supervising postgraduate research. Consequently, I am well versed of different teaching methodologies and how to guide a student to along towards a better academic achievement. This has made me to be more confident for being a competent tutor to teach you tuition in Singapore.

O-level Physics Home Tutor’s Profile

Academic Qualifications
1. Doctoral Degree
PhD in Management (Major in finance), UTM
- Best Postgraduate Student Award recipient
- Published 3 research articles on international peer reviewed journal
2. Master degree
Master in Applied Statistics, UM
- Distinction

Teaching Experience
- 10 years of teaching experience on delivering mathematics, physics and statistics.
- Teaching level: secondary school, undergraduate degree, honor degree, master student until PhD candidates.

Educational Training Attended
Received teaching related training under tertiary setting and also training on supervising postgraduate research. Consequently, I am well versed of different teaching methodologies and how to guide a student to along towards a better academic achievement. This has made me to be more confident for being a competent math tutor to teach you JC mathematics tuition in Singapore.
Testimonial from Students

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review
Types of my Singapore O-level Physics Tuition
- O-level Physics Home Tuition – To be conducted at student’s place. Cover areas within Singapore.
- Online O-level Physics Tutoring
- Blended Learning approach

1. O-level physics Home tuition in Singapore
My secondary O-level physics class in Singapore, my teaching philosophy is to provide my students a comprehensive understanding for all the physics topics I teach which will eventually enable the student to be competent to deal with various physics problems.
Class size
- One to one O-level physics private tutoring.
Class Duration
- 2 hours per class.
- One class per week.
Tuition Fees
The O-level physics home tuition fee I charge for O-level physics tuition can vary according to the location and tuition timing. Please contact me to ask about the tuition fees.
At student’s place.

2. Online Tuition for Singapore O-level physics
With the advancement of technology, O-level physics online tuition is now possible. Students can get the help out of the tutor with their O-level physics progression in front of the computer. As physics tutor, I have also been trained before in providing online tuition. To date, I have 3 years online teaching experience.
Benefit of taking online O-level physics tuition
- Comfortable Learning Environment where students just need a computer with webcam and microphone in order to attend the class.
- Lower cost, my online O-level physics tuition class’s fee would be cheaper than the face to face class.
Class size
- One to one O-level physics 1-1 online private tutoring.
- O-level physics online group tuition class.
Class Duration
- 2 hours per class.
- One class per week.
Tuition Fees
You may refer to my O-level physics online tutoring charge.
Online platform (eg. Zoom or Team)
About Singapore O-level Physics Exam
O-level Physics
The O-Level physics syllabus provides students with a coherent understanding of energy, matter, and
their interrelationships. It focuses on investigating natural phenomena and then applying patterns,
models (including mathematical ones), principles, theories and laws to explain the physical behaviour of
the universe. The theories and concepts presented in this syllabus belong to a branch of physics
commonly referred to as classical physics. Modern physics, developed to explain the quantum properties
at the atomic and sub-atomic level, is built on knowledge of these classical theories and concepts.
Students should think of physics in terms of scales. Whereas the classical theories such as Newton’s
laws of motion apply to common physical systems that are larger than the size of atoms, a more
comprehensive theory, quantum theory, is needed to describe systems at the atomic and sub-atomic
scales. It is at these scales that physicists are currently making new discoveries and inventing new
It is envisaged that teaching and learning programmes based on this syllabus would feature a wide
variety of learning experiences designed to promote acquisition of scientific expertise and understanding,
and to develop values and attitudes relevant to science. Teachers are encouraged to use a combination
of appropriate strategies to effectively engage and challenge their students. It is expected that students
will apply investigative and problem-solving skills, effectively communicate the theoretical concepts
covered in this course and appreciate the contribution physics makes to our understanding of the
physical world.
Singapore O-level Physics Latest Syllabus
The information provided above about O-level Physics may not be up to date. You may refer to the offical website for the latest information about Singapore O-level Physics syllabus.
Contact me for my Singapore O-level Physics Private Tutoring Services
If you are interested to have O-level Physics Private Tuition class with me, please SMS/Whatsapp/Wechat me at +65-85483705 to arrange for a phone discussion.

Sometimes it could be difficult to choose whether to take a private tuition class or join a group tuition. I would like to offer some of my advice regarding the selection. The tutor only has one student to teach in a private tuition class. Thus, the tutor would be able to give the full focus to the student. In addition, the structure of a class and how a lesson is being delivery will be customized according to the pace of the student.
However, the cost of private tuition is normally more expensive than group tuition class.

Tips on taking a physics exam
- Translate problems into a language your understand.
- Analyze a question carefully before computing, especially a problem worth a lot of points.
- Make a picture.
- Check your work in an organize manner. Make sure you perform the some of the required checking procedure such as
- Whether you read the problem correctly.
- Whether you use the correct formula.
- Is the answer written in required format.
About Dr Loo’s Math Specialist Tuition Service
Dr Loo’s Math Specialist Tuition Service focus on provide mathematics tuition in Singapore. These includes O-level math tuition and JC math home tuition. You can choose to either my online math tuition class in Singapore or mathematics home tuition class in Singapore.

List of my Singapore Mathematics Tuition Services
Statistics Home Tuition
- Statistics Tuition (Singapore)
- Business Statistics Tuition (Singapore)
- Psychology Statistics Tuition (Singapore)
- Quantitative Data Analysis Tuition (Singapore)
- Econometrics Tutoring in Singapore
- SPSS Data Analysis Tutoring (Singapore)
- Eviews Data Analysis Tutoring (Singapore)
List of my Singapore Mathematics Online Tutoring Services
Statistics Online Tuition
- Statistics Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Business Statistics Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Psychology Statistics Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Quantitative Data Analysis Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Econometrics Online Tuition
- SPSS Data Analysis Online Tutoring (Singapore)
- Eviews Data Analysis Online Tutoring (Singapore)