Econometrics Tutor Singapore
I am a full time econometrics tutor in Singapore who provides home tutoring and online tutoring service. My highest qualification is PhD (I hold PhD in Management, Major Finance, Best Postgraduate Student Award recipient).
As of 2020, I have accumulated 8 years of teaching experience on delivering statistics subjects for secondary and tertiary level.
In addition, I have received teaching related training under tertiary setting and also training on supervising postgraduate research. Consequently, I am well versed of different teaching methodologies and how to guide a student to along towards a better academic achievement. This has made me to be more confident for being a competent math tutor to teach you econometrics tuition in Singapore.
Other than being an econometrics tutor, I am also teaching mathematics tuition in Singapore. You may contact me as well if you are looking for statistics tutor in Singapore or math tutor such as O-level math tutor, JC H1 math tutor or JC H2 math tutor (SMS/Whatsapp/Telegram: +65-85483705).

Econometrics Tutor’s Profile

Academic Qualifications
1. Doctoral Degree
PhD in Management (Major in finance), UTM
- Best Postgraduate Student Award recipient
- Published 3 research articles on international peer reviewed journal (econometrics related topics)
2. Master degree
Master in Applied Statistics, UM
- Distinction

Teaching Experience
- 8 years of teaching experience on delivering mathematics and statistics.
- Taught level: secondary school, undergraduate degree, honor degree, master student until PhD candidates.

Educational Training Attended
- Received teaching related training under tertiary setting
- Also received training on supervising postgraduate research
My Statistics Tutoring and Consultation Experience
- Providing professional consultation to academic staff in university (lecturer until professor) on issue pertaining to statistical data analysis for their research.
- Dealing with research students (honor thesis, master students, PhD students) by advice them on their research design, ethic application, data collection and quantitative data analysis.
- Dealing with students who face difficulty on learning mathematics and statistics and students who would like to do excel in mathematics and statistics subject.
- Meeting with academic staff in finding solutions for helping the students learning mathematics and statistics in a better way.
- Teaching statistics as private tutor, lecturer and assistant professor.
- Understanding the statistics courses structure being taught in different discipline such as: business statistics, psychology statistics, financial statistics etc.
- Teaching statistical data analysis using various softwares (eg. SPSS, AMOS, R etc).
- Publication track records on research.
Econometrics Tuition Singapore
For those who are looking for econometrics tutor in Singapore, I provide econometric tuition in Singapore. Econometrics is a quantitative application of economic theory, mathematics, and statistical inference to quantify economic phenomena. It turns theoretical economic models into useful tools for economic policymaking. Econometrics convert qualitative statements into quantitative statements. It also uses the real-world data to conduct data analysis and then compares and contrasts the results against the theory or theories being tested.
Statistics in Econometrics
To gain a better understand on econometrics, statistics knowledge plays an important roles of laying the foundation to understand it deeper. There are a number of statistics topics involves in econometrics, this includes probability, and probability distributions, statistical inference, correlation analysis, regression analysis, time series methods etc. If you are also looking for statistics tutor in Singapore for your undergraduate & postgraduate course, I do provide statistics tuition in Singapore.
Mathematics in Econometrics
On the other hand, there are a number of mathematics concept involves in econometrics. These incluldes vectors and vector spaces, matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, matrix vectorization, vector and matrix differentiation. The use of mathematical modelling on economic interactions can help to evaluate the validity of the econometrics models using observed data which eventually transformed economics into a scientific discipline. For those who are interested to have mathematics tuition in Singapore, I do conduct O-level math tuition and also JC math tuition (H1 math tuition and H2 math tuition).
My Singapore Econometrics Tuition Syllabus Coverage
My econometrics tutoring services is covering for those who are taking the following syllabus.
Econometrics Tuition Topics
- OLS regression
- Regression diagnostic
Financial Econometrics Tuition Topics
- Unit root test
- Cointegration
- Panel Data
- ARCH modeling
From learning econometrics, student are espected to have a deeper knowledge of statistical theory particularly in economical and social science applications. With econometrics knowledge, one should be able to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making in a wide variety of fields. When teaching econometrics, my teaching philosophy is to provide my students a comprehensive understanding for all the required econometrics concept which will eventually enable the student to be competent to deal with various econometrics problems. Thus, if you are looking for econometrics tuition in Singapore, then you may scroll down further to read more about my econometrics tuition service.

Modes of my Econometrics Tuition
- Econometrics Home Tuition in Singapore
- Online Econometrics Tutoring
- Blended Learning approach

1. Econometrics Home Tuition in Singapore
In my econometrics home tuition classes, my objective is to address the difficulties commonly encountered by students. Therefore, each lesson is being organized such that it will be well-structured and delivered systematically to meet the learning needs of the students.
Benefit of taking econometrics private tuition
- Convenience for students
- Detailed feedback
- Personalised attention from tutor
- Learning at own pace
- Minimal distractions
Class size
- One-to-one econometrics private tutoring.
Class Duration
- 2 hours per class.
- One class per week.
Home Tutoring Services Provided
- Econometrics Home Tuition
- Financial Econometrics Tuition
Tuition Fees
- Please contact me to ask about the econometrics home tuition fees.
At student’s place.

2. Online Tuition for Econometrics
With the advancement of technology, econometrics online tuition is now possible. Students can get the help out of the tutor with their econometrics progression in front of the computer. As econometrics tutor, I have also been trained before in providing online tuition. To date, I have 3 years online teaching experience through online platform.
Benefit of taking online econometrics tuition
- Comfortable learning environment where students just need a computer with webcam and microphone in order to attend the class.
- Lower cost, my online statistics tuition class’s fee would be cheaper than the face to face class.
Class size
- One-to-one econometrics private tutoring.
- Small group (3 – 6 students per session)
Online Econometrics Class Duration
- 2 hours per class.
- One class per week.
Online Econometrics Tutoring Subjects
- Econometrics Online Tutoring
- Financial Econometrics Online Tutoring
Tuition Fees
- Please contact me to ask about the econometrics online tuition fees.
Online platform eg. Microsoft Team
Contact me for my Econometrics Tutoring Services in Singapore
If you are interested to have econometrics private tuition class with me, please SMS/Whatsapp/Telegram me at +65-85483705 to arrange for a phone discussion.

Testimonial from Students

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review

Student's Review
List of my Singapore Mathematics Tuition Services
Statistics Home Tuition
- Statistics Tuition (Singapore)
- Business Statistics Tuition (Singapore)
- Psychology Statistics Tuition (Singapore)
- Quantitative Data Analysis Tuition (Singapore)
- Econometrics Tutoring in Singapore
- SPSS Data Analysis Tutoring (Singapore)
- Eviews Data Analysis Tutoring (Singapore)
List of my Singapore Mathematics Online Tutoring Services
Statistics Online Tuition
- Statistics Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Business Statistics Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Psychology Statistics Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Quantitative Data Analysis Online Tuition (Singapore)
- Econometrics Online Tuition
- SPSS Data Analysis Online Tutoring (Singapore)
- Eviews Data Analysis Online Tutoring (Singapore)